Twinspace Use

  • How did we use the Twinspace?

    The Twinspace was first and forement our working platform so it was organized for the students while the project was open. It was reorganized for visitors at the end of the project.

    The Pages Section

    Pages were used to organize the general layout of the Twinspace. Apart from the Presentation of the Project and the Miscellaneous Page, the pages follow the planning of activities:

    • Stage one: Starting the project
    • Stage two: Reading the books
    • Stage three: Interacting with others
    • Stage four: Collaborating together
    • Stage five: Ending the project

    We enjoyed having the possibility to add subpages and loved that we could transfer pages to another category once the activity was finished.

    The pages were also used to give directions to students during the project. These pages were mostly archived once the activity was done. Here is an example:

    The project journal

    This section of the Twinspace was used by every member to post every new activity. It was our "notification" center. We would post and give links or instructions to the partners to find the documents on the Twinspace. We would use it to share pictures and documents too.