Reading the books

  • Stage 2 : Reading the books


    Because reading in a foreign language can be very difficult for our EFL learners, our first concern was to really involve them in the study of a book and help them understand it. So we decided to devote a whole part of the project to the reading of the books. During that stage, there were two other objectives: posting a "book covers" showroom and write a "multilingual dictionary" to motivate our partners to read our books! As a facultative activity we also asked our students to publish biographies of the different authors of the books.



    Book Tasting Sessions

    As teachers we had decided to use readers (adapted versions) of classical novels. We organized book tasting sessions in our different classes to let the students choose (and defend their choice). Many books were placed on the table and just like in a restaurant student could taste them and review them to make a choice. We organized it like a pseed dating so they only had 5 minutes to choose. They understood the importance of a eye-catching cover and of a clear and invitative summary.



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