Sfax, TN[En]-DK

  • Teacher:Dhoha Kchaou

    Page to be used as a blog by each partner school

    (Team's diary and freestyle posting; links to collaborative pa

    *********Preparing postcards for our partners**********


    ***********Collaborative postcards: imen taktak's students, Dhoha kchaou's student and Emna khemakhem's students*****

    *****************Live event: 12/15/2017**********************

    intervention of my students

    a brief presentation that show all best memories that belong to our project

    The event's song

    A special thanks for: Athanasia Zafeiropoulou from Greece, Lidia Baroi from Romania and Anastasia Sytnik from Ukraine, we are so happy to receive your cards and your gifts.

    your cards decorates our classroom

    Receiving postcards and gifts from our partner: Athanasia zafeiropoulou


    ***My project summary**



    **A brief presentation that show all best memories that belong to our project**


    ***Presentation of some inventions by my students****


    Made with Padlet

    ****Dissemination of the project****