Petroupoli, GR [En]


    4th Junior High School of Petroupoli-Team's Journal

    19 September 2017

    Presentation of the project to C3b  ICT class

    Registration of students and training in twinspace (profiles )

    22 September 2017

    Presentation of the project to C2a ICT class

    Registration of students and training in twinspace (profiles)

    Tasting French cookies (Eric's gift)

    25 September 2017

    C3b: Personal students photos for their profiles, updating profiles,  completing replies in our school's thread in schools forum

    Group photo to be used in ThingLink for common partners paddlet

    C2a: Replies in our school's thread in schools forum

    29 September 2017

    C2a: Completing profiles 

    Creating cards for out partners in Sfax (and offering them to Emna to tranfer them to pupils of hers and of Imen- Emna visited Athens for eTwinning thematic conference on 27-29 September and teachers had the pure pleasure to meet each other)

    02 October 2017


    Tasting tunisian cakes (Emna's and Imen's gifts)

    Students communication in forum (Petroupoli to Sfax(Emna),  Petroupoli to Sfax  (Imen)) and their replies 

    Brainstorming on inventions and catastrophes

    Testing google forms to create international teams



     Photos of students to be used on their profiles. Editing photos and eTwinning profiles updated. Schools forum threqad completed for our school.

    Group photo of C2a to be used in Thinglink for common presentation of all partners in padlet



    09 October 2017


    Replies in Questionaire (Google Form [En]) for creating international teams

    Testing google slides (create "your identity") for getting ready to work collaboratively in presentations

    working on google form(teams test) working on google slides:

    13 October 2017


    d) Brainstorming on process about catastrophes on 20th century by C2a class on; final post  on Wednesday. (Assignment to C2a pupils: Each node must have: pupil's name, name of catastrophe, year, photo, link to valid source)

    (Friday's version):



    b) C2a filling the English form (Questionnaire for creating teams)
    c) C2a training in MATERIALS and FORUM
    d) Group photo of both groups (24 students in C2a and C3b classes) to be used in thinglink for common padlet(School teams presentation)



    16 October 2017

    C3b: We created a tricider for brainstorming on netiquette in FORUMS and creation  a common "Dos and Don'ts" list with partners, so we shared the tricider on project journal and Sfax's team(Imen's class) joined us there today:

    23 October 2017

    C3b: Practice on collaborative work on Google slides 

    30 October 2017

    C3b: getting knowing their international teams in forums

    03 November 2017

    C2a: a) Students are getting knowing their international teams in forums

    06 November 2017

    C3b: Working on forum : how we post photos and we make links. How we upload images on materials

    07 November 2017:

    Marie Curie birthday and we made a portrait-drawing


    10  November 2017

    C2a: Working on forum : how we post photos and we make links. How we upload images on materials


    13 November 2017

    C3b: a) Working on google slides (  b) checking their forums and c) filling students' diary**

    20 November  2017

    C3b creates christmas cards for partners:

    24 November 2017

    C2a creates christmas cards for partners:

    27 November 2017

    C3b checking forums and filling students' diary. Working on forums

    01 December 2017

    C2a checking forums and filling students' diary. Working on forums


    04 December 2017

    C3b a) Present from Lafrancaise Antonin Perbosc College b) Prearation for christmas videoconference c) Recording our Christmas song

    08 December 2017

    C2a a) Present from Lafrancaise Antonin Perbosc College b) Prearation for christmas videoconference 


    11 December 2017

    C3b on Christmas Videoconference


    15 December 2017

    C2a on Christmas Videoconference


    18 December 2017 & 20 December 2017

    C3b and C2a: instructions for working on padlet and for creating google slides with their team's choice. Working on forum


    Receiving christmas presents from partner(link to shared page) 


    From 30 October till end of December students of both ICT classes, C2a and C3b, were working on their threads in FORUM and after validation of their team's choice on padlet in their team's page.





    A summary of their work is on these padlets:




    Δημιουργήθηκε με το Padlet


    Δημιουργήθηκε με το Padlet

    08 January 2018

    Working on common google slide


    12 January 2018

    C2a working on padlets and slides


    15 January 2018

    C3b students slides and work on their teams's padlets:



    19 January 2018

    C2a students slides and work on their teams's padlets:


    All slides created on school's account google drive or emailed on school's account by students' personal gmail accounts and uploaded on school's google drive after


    26 January 2018

    Both classes, C2a and C3B were working on resizing photos in Paintbrush and posting on their teams' padlets. They are keeping working on their slides, too


    C2a students have recieved cards from Sibiu's team and one more card from Khust:



    02 February 2018

    Netiquette in forums translated in Greek  and.... video for SID 2018 by C2a class

    23 February 2018

    C2a: Some inventions that we could add-Brainstorming on mindmeter

    Students comment on their team mates profiles


    26 February 2018

    C3b students a) fill students evaluation form b) they use mentimeter for writing 5 words in Greek as their feeling from their work on the project and c) They have a presentation of Project's timeline in Greek



    02 March 2018

    C2a  students fill evaluation form 


    FINAL PRODUCT  Timeline in Greek (23-02-2018)

    Google slide of the Greek timeline (A4, 2X1, QR codes on) (25-02-2018)

    Download pdf to print this timeline here


    04 March 2018 Final  e-book on Christmas exchanges


    21 March 2018   Dissemination in facebook (ETWINNING GREECE public group)


    23 April 2018

    a) Dissemination in school's community: poster on main hall


    b) Watching partners  video on dissemination and comments for these on project's journal



    c) web search on Wiki page / discussion and  ideas on better CEO


    28 April 2018 : Kahoot game


    18 May 2018

    C2b class very busy....

    a) Playing the ukrainian game


    b) mentimeter for internal short evaluation  at our class of students experience in the project:


    The final presentation of menti:


    c) Comments on twinspace by students

    d) Presentation of Maria Podstawowa on Padlet:


    Δημιουργήθηκε με το Padlet

    25 May 2018: Expo at school's community

    And our page is closing as it has started...with Maria Skłodowska-Curie: