What does our class look like ?


    Children can represent their class in 2D (drawings, paintings, mapping) or in 3D ( with legos, other construction games...). Other, ideas welcome too.

    Ecole maternelle Capsus (France)

    Our class



    Notre classe   

    Choussila's pupils made their class with legos and invented a game : A child has to stand at the same place as the lego character ! Fun isn't it ? Who wants to play the same game ?

    Here is our classroom. We made a model of our classroom with legos. Kids had a lot of fun by doing this model.

    Here is an interactive model of our class! Touch the red dots and have a look at the photos!





    Our Classroom Sections

    Game Centers

    Nature and Science Centers

    Book Center

    Technology Center

    Blog Center

    ​Drama Center


    Our class - Marsaskala, Malta
    Today we looked at all your classes and made our own class map from lego and from wooden blocks.

    And here is a video all about our classroom and how we use it.