3rd game:CIZBIZ

  • Name of the Game: Cızbız

    Number of Players: Two groups and three students in each group

    Duration: Five- Ten minutes

    Age: The 4th Grades

    How to Play:

    *Two groups in which there ere three students are created

    *A referee is choosen(Generally it is the teacher)

    *The group which will start the game is decided by aclearance. Clearance is the process of counting

    *The players in each group take their places on the game area

    *Questions are asked to each group and the group who gives correct answers makes a leap forward

    *The group which will make a leap forward must decide in ten seconds otherwise the group can’t make a leap forward

    *The other group who doesn’t give correct answer can’t make a leap forward

    *When the group make a leap forward, The players in the group get into touch among themselves and decide the player who will make a leap forward

    *When the players in agroup line up horizontally,vertically or diagonally, the group shouts ‘’cız-bız’’ and wins the game

    Note: On an ordinary place you can draw the game area and play the game by two people just like chess or draught


    *Each group symbolizes a colour(Example: green team and orange team)

    *The players can make only one leap forward in each case

    *The group must make a leap forward in ten seconds

    *The players in a group decide the person who will make a leap forward

    *The players who line up horizontally,vertically or diagonally shout ‘’Cız-Bız’’ and win the game