4th game GRASS-SNAKE

  • Lithuanian folk game

    Name of the game:  Grass-snake

    Duration: no exact time

    Type: An outdoor/indoor game (school garden/ spacious place)

    Age: from the 1st to 4th grade students

    Number of players : 20 (can be changed according to different conditions

    How to play:

    • All stops one behind the other, and laid hands on the front of standing shoulder.
    • First- grass-snake "head", last-"tail".
    • Grass-snake cares grasped its tail, it is the first trying to catch the last one, which in accordance with the row, wants to escape persecution from the head. Of course, the grass- snake "joints", that is, other players, have to adjust to "head" movements, otherwise it can not be caught.
    • Caught by a player withdraws from the game.
    • The game ends when ,,head“ isn‘t able to catch the last player.