Meeting 3 - UK - „Rights and Gender Issues”.

  • UK - step by step

    Ready to meet new friens in UK

    Arrive in Bristol

    First day:

    Welcome by the head teacher and the main project coordinator

    Visiting school

    Trip to Gloucester

    Gloucester Cathedra

    Docks in Gloucester


    The second day - work at school



    Meditation :-)

    Integration through play

    Work in inter-national groups





    Use the app

    Our realizations of topics

    Third day:

    Oxford trip

    Oxford University - the oldest university in England


    University students after the exam

    In search of souvenirs

    Streets, buildings, characteristic elements


    Museum in Oxford - Ashmolean Museum

    In the evening - a unique performance

    Fourth day - work at school

    Creating an eBook

    Women - Polish, which emerged from the shadows of men

    Baking and selling cupcakes for charity

    Fifth day

    Snow games, integration with host families, improving your English skills, visiting the area

    Return home

    Our friends