Christmas Carols (videos)

  • Dear partners,

    here is the place to upload Christmas videos to let the others learn Xmas songs, Ok ?

    ¨Here is the Spanish Christmas song - enjoy it and you can learn it :-)

    If we should learn it it would be better

    Dear partners, finally you can watch and listen some Czech favourite Christmas songs.

    The first one is Christmas Carol "Půjdem spolu do Betléma" (We´ll go to Bethlem together)

    You can learn and sing only the Chorus :-)

     Půjdem spolu do Betléma dujdaj, dujdaj, dujdaj dá!

    Ježíšku, panáčku! Já tě budu kolíbati,

    Ježíšku, panáčku! Já tě budu kolíbat.


    The second one is famous modern song "Hallelujah" and finally at the end pupils added Christmas wish for all of you.

    And there is the whole lyrics and music.



    And there are the Romanian Christmas carol :-)

     lyrics to "Domn, Domn sa inaltam"

     sing along for the 2nd Romanian song (What is it called Alina?)


    Thank you for the videos Amelia, Alecsandra and Alina! They are lovely. The carols you chose are very melodious! =)
    My pupils enjoyed watching them and are still humming "domn domn". =)


    Carol+lyrics from Austria (Salzburg):

     "Kimm Bruada Seppl"


    Students from Ivanovec, Croatia (Marina Dura):

       Lyrics of Croatian song ''Zvončići'' (Jingle Bells)


    Whose is this carol ?? :-) And lyrics ?

    tu scendi dalle stelle Di Alfonso From ITALY Naples

    oBambini mio Risultati immagini per tu scendi dalle stelle note


    "In der Weihnachtsbäckerei" - Christmas Carol from Vienna:


    Carol + lyrics Joulupuu on rakennettu (from Kaisajoki School, Finland)




    Joulupuu on rakennettu

    Melody: Finnish folk song

    Lyrics: G. O. Schöneman


    Joulupuu on rakennettu, joulu on jo ovella.

    Namusia ripustettu ompi kuusen oksilla.


    Kuusen pienet kynttiläiset valaisevat kauniisti.

    Ympärillä lapsukaiset laulelevat sulosti.


    Kiitos sulle, Jeesuksemme, kallis Vapahtajamme,

    kun sä tulit vieraaksemme, paras joululahjamme.


     Polish carol + translation