Who we are

  • We are 3 schools located in:

    1. Gelsenkirchen, Germany
    2. Terni, Italy
    3. Kallithea, Greece

    Our students are aged between 15 and 19 years.

    On the map below (Map of Project Participant Locations), you can see where our schools are;


    We are divided in three groups, as we had three major subjects to deal with for the e-Magazine.

    Each team consists of pupils from all three countries. Each team has its own page, as you can see on your left;

    1. My school building  --->  belongs to My Shool Building Team

    My School Building team has the following members: Samed, Ensar, Ramzi, Dean, Melis, Emre, Pambianco, Di Stasio, Agliani, Sordini, Dominici, Peter, Dimitris S, Ilias, John, Thanassis.

    2. Genetically Modified ---:> belongs to GM Team

    The GM team consists of the following members: Tugba, Bilkian, Jasmin, Schehat, Haval, Helin, Ayham, Dimitris L, Dimitris V, Konstantinos, Sidra.

    3. My city's animals ---> belongs to My City's Animals Team

    My City's Animals Team comprises of: Mohammed, Selen, Yasin, Ecem, Esma, Jasmina, Anna, Aphrodite, Konstantina, Marianna.