
  • These are the results of the questionnaire. We were happy to have some students from two other Greek schools answer our questions. One is nearby the Greek partner school, near Athens and the sea, and the other is a scool in a mountainous area, very far from Athens, where a lot of wild animals are a spectacle on a daily basis.

    It is worth noting that the procedure of making this questionnaire has been a tedious one, as each group first wrote down some questions, then we discussed them between all groups and gave them to a number of students in order to answer, rate it and make any remarks or suggestions they wanted. Afterwards, based on the feedback, we amelliorated the questionnaire. So here it is!

    Please click on the link below (Ctrl+left click), in oder to download the results of our survey and our comments on the findings!


    Here is the English version of the questionnaire. You are very welcome to answer it, if you want, whichever might be your country!


    And this is the Greek version. Be ware, though; it's all Greek to you.

    We have responses from three Greek schools; our own school, another one in Moschato, which is near us, close to the estuary of Ilissos river, and yet another one in the distant village of Tsotyli, about 600 Km of road trip from our school.