Decorations and Christmas Tree

  • How does the Christmas Tree look in your country? This page is edited by students from all partner countries.

    Lithuanian Polish Macedonian Romanian French Italy     













    Morgane T.

    Eva C. 





    Martina Toscano

    1. ​LITHUANIA:

    A Lithuanian team has created a Christmas tree and decorated it with their wishes and greetings


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    2. POLAND

    Poles decorate the Christmas tree the day, two before Christmas Eve but it lasts longer.
    The Christmas tree is also often bought in and decorated on Christmas Eve. 
    It is decorated with a star on the top (to represent the Star of Bethlehem),
    gingerbreads, lights (previously candles) and "bombki" which are baubles and
    glass ornaments in different shapes (though most often they are spheres). 
    They are usually hand-made, painted or decorated in other way. In the east 
    of Poland the decorations are traditionally made of straw and are very beautiful.
    In some houses there is also a custom of breaking one of the Christmas 
    Tree decorations (e.g. breaking s glass bauble) to scare the evil out of 
    the house for the whole next year!

    And this is also christmas tree in Warsaw :)

    Oliwia Mogut

    Amelia Dyżewska

    Polish decoratons - Nativity Scene<

    Nativity scene is one of the most famous Polish Christmas decorations. Mock-up represents the moment of birth of Jesus. Little boy lying in the cradle, and around him are his parents-Mary and Joseph, Three Kings, the shepherds and animals. Everybody in the refuge before falling out with snow, under the roof of the stable. Nativity symbolizes Christmas.

    It is unique - just like Poland.

                                                                                                        Dominika Miętkiewicz

    Poland kids like to do your own baubles. They do it from paper and some glitter. When they hang their baubles on the christmas tree.

    Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania bombka zrobiona przez dzieci

    The Advent Wreath 

    In Polish churches are Andvent Wreaths. 

    Every week priests ligth one candle. So, in firts week lights one candle, 

    in last (last Sunday before Christmas Eve) - four. 

    Tosia Lewandowska

    In Poland people hang on the Christmas tree among others chains, lights and a lot of baubles on top of the Christmas tree kids put on a star. Some people dress they Christmas tree only for the pink, blue or red ornamentation :)

    Jagoda Majorek & Julianna Wiśniewska


    In Poland children make baobles in home with parents or on Art lessons in school. I love doing DIY ! There are my results :)

    Jagoda Majorek

    3. ROMANIA

    Long time ago, the Christmas trees were decorated with apples, nuts and pretsols baked in the even.With the time passing , everything has changed , even the way of decorating the Christmas-tree has improved.Today it is fashionable to decorate the Christmas tree with different hand-made objects bought from shops.Usually people clean and decorate their houses and they wait for the children and young people o who come carolling.

    Cosmina Stanciu, Patrui Flaviana, Micu Daniela ,Popa Roxana



    In Macedonia we decorate the cristmas

    tree in December the month before

    New Year.We decorate the cristmas tree with

    a star on the top, cristmas lights and other cristmas 

    decoration.We also like to decorate the front of our 

    houses with cristmas lights and some hand made

    cristmas decoration.


    Christmas  decorations  in  SKOPJE

        Macedonian people give a lot of attention to the celebration of Christmas, which begins with the Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas.  Well, unlike most of the world the unique thing in Macedonia is that Christmas Eve is on the 6-th of January and Christmas is on the 7-th of January. This is because the Macedonian Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar which is 14 days behind. 

        This year's decorations are including two Christmas trees, one at Macedonia Square, and the another near the Zoo Garden. The tree at Macedonia Square is 18 meters tall, and the square is also  decorated with lights and other Christmas ornaments. Zoo Garden's Christmas tree is 9 meters tall, and decorated with luminous ornaments. Apart from the square, the streets and boulevards around Skopje downtown area are also decorated. 

         The lights are permeating through alleys creating captivating magic. Incredible areas bloom with Christmas decorations reflecting the Christmas spiw                        

    Christmas decorations in Italian houses






    Student of the class 2C decorated the school, that's how they prepared decorations together.





    We decorate the tree with christmas wreaths,christmas tree baubles and the house with garlands.