Christmas gifts

  • This page is edited by students.

    Polish Romanian Macedonian French Lithuanian
    Jagoda Florina Vurdea Viktor


    Maxime V.




    Kamile and Daniele

    1. Christmas gifts in Poland

    On the 6th of December (before Christmas), Poles celebrate 'Mikolajki', which it's something like holidays.

    On this day, everybody gives each other small presents, for example sweets. In schools students choose a person and give him or her presents. 


     2.  Christmas gifts in Macedonia

                In Macedonia Christmas gifts are usually filled up with candy,sweets,drinks...

    We give gifts to friends who are close to us.


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    3. Christmas gifts in Lithuania

    Before Christmas a Lithuanian team visited old people at the retirement home, gave them Christmas cookies, Christmas cards, Bethlehem light and wished Merry Christmas...

    4. Christmas gifts in Romania 

    The old Romanian tradition says that there was in old man who used to make toys and then he gave them to the poor children to enjoy themselves on Christmas. THen , God seeing his goodness .He gave him magic powers to be able to give presents to all the children in the world and to be able to travel for a wholw night around the whole world. In one way , We can say that the presents for this Holiday begin to be received by the children on Saint Nicholas Day on the 6 th of december when children receive sweets , fruits ,other presents but also sticks if they weren”t good till that day.


    5. Christmas gifts in France

    In France we use to give presents to our friends and families the 24th of December after midnight. We go to the Church to celebrate the birth of Jesus at  10 pm. 


    We gather again the 25th of December, and during the night. In fact we eat all the time !


    We use to buy chocolates to make presents to adults 

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    For children we offer money, toys, cloth, shoes

    we open the presents at  midnight, the 24th.

    For adults, we give chocolates, wine, flowers, and  foie gras