• Before we start working together, let's break the ice and get to know one another.


    1. Complete your personal profile

    Choose a photo or create an avatar, and tell your partners who you are - you can write 100 words only, make the most of it: be creative and original! :-)

    Tools to create avatars: http://doppelme.com/ (save the final image as gif), http://www.buildyourwildself.com/


    2. Give a context: present your cities / schools / classes

    Make it interesting and fun using the tools suggested below. Upload the material you created onto forum 1a (to upload a photo collage into the forum, upload it into the folder "Break the ice" in the "Materials" section of Twinspace first). Then comment on and react to your partners' presentations in the forum and compare your city / school / class to theirs.

    - present your class - a photo, a short video, a little voice recording, what your timetable looks like, what you study, etc.

    - present your school - a photo collage of your favourite places, of your classrooms, a short video tour, etc.

    - present your area - a map, a photo collage of the places where you hang around, a quiz about your city or country, etc.

    Tools you can use: for audio messages: voki, blabberize, videos, voice QR / for quizzes: learningapps / for photo collages: http://www.pizap.com/photo-collage-templates.php


    3. Winter Holiday Season Cards exchange

    Prepare a card to share greetings with your partners for the end of the year and the start of a new year. Make it creative and colourful.

    Address as: Dear Friend and sign off giving your name.

    On the right part include your wishes (ideas here), a short presentation about yourself and a few things about your country's and family's end of year customs and what you like about this time of year.

    On the left part, below, in a RED circle, write ONE word to answer the question "What does this time of the year mean to you?"

    After you receive the cards sent to you:

    Post the word you received on this answergarden


    Then, on the padlet upload photos of the card you received and thank the person who sent it to you. Then use forum 1b to write what impressed you the most about the card you got and the end of year customs of the country where it came from.

    The cards have to be delivered to the teachers by December 5th, 2014



    4. Now let's create our collaborative festive poem

    1. Find the words HERE: http://answergarden.ch/view/125802

    2. Pick up the ones you want to use and visit TitanPad:https://titanpad.com/qBjmRzzMF6

    3. Continue the poem, when you finish your lines enter your name in brackets

    4. Respect what the others have written and don't delete them, use appropriate language, you can write more than once if you want.

    Deadline: 15 January


    5. The result: our poem published in a small e-book

    Origami fun!! Print and fold this "picozine" and get our poem in a 16-page booklet!


    This is the text:

    Welcome to our private space where we can create our very own festive collaborative poem
    1. Use a word from the Answergarden (from the Cards you have received)
    2. Write a line or two here as part of our poem
    3. Write your NAME at the end of your lines
    4. DON'T erase what other people have written before or after you
    5. READ what other people have written before you write
    6. ENJOY :)
    (SOS: there is a two-week deadline. The titanpad will then be erased by the provider. So try to finish by 18/1/2015)
    A festive Poem: (Think of an imaginative title!)
    'SNOW IN THE LIGHT OF NIGHT'     Tomek Smutek
    (PS. the unity of love) Julian Płonka
    The snow shines bright in the light of night........................
    Stars we can see in the height............        Marcin Solich
    The unity of love and happiness makes our Christmas brightest and sweetest.....              Kasia Michalska
    Christmas is time for giving and love.
    We can feel endless joy above. (Angelika Zegrodzka)
    The magic of Christmas never ends.
    Greatest of gifts are family and friends. (Paulina Herok)
    When we meet our friends, we know, it's this time
    Christmas is here and snow is falling down... (Paulina Dziędziel) 
    Christmas is time of happiness and joy even without snow...(Agnieszka Filipczyk)
    Snowflakes are falling and the landscapes are turning white. (Marion Dautheville)
    Every children are waiting an old man, the magic of Chrismas began (Luna Huynh)
    The Santa Claus brings all the presents that they dreamed in their sleep (Océane Ducoeur)
    When Christmas comes, we eat a lot of chocolate, that's happiness (Lea Desnoues)
    Happiness is in the air and I hope you spend this time well... (Klaudia Pyrtek)
    Christmas it's time to share happinesse
    Good time with your family and friends
    Drinking hot chocolate and baking ginger cakes… (Monika Polok)
    It's important to have family and fun 
    when there is not a lot of sun..(Agnieszka Król)
    Family meeting is the best way to spend this Christmas day (Agnieszka Paszek)
    As snow falls down and fades to the air
    i like to sat beside the window near my bed 
    look out at the snow that dances near the lake 
    and hold  too tide a sweet chocolate in my hand (Konstantina Safouri)
    I ate a chocolate, two tangerines, a piece of ginger cake
    and some sweets with brandy
    my toothache wasn't fake
    now I'm sure it was too much candy!     Kasia Szymik
    With food you have happiness,with happiness you have life(Christos Μάντσος)
    New year, new year , fresh start is here
    Leave the previous behind because you have a lot to find(Mary Tsirika)
    The weather is too cold, it's time to hug you all! (Katerina Barba) 
    People love beer, children love reindeer! (Roula Barba)
    I don't believe that Santa Klaus/claus exists but i am waiting for his presents! (Aristea Moshou)
    I had to write a poem but I don't know, so I am sitting home alone (Amalia Chavale)
    The most beautiful present we can give this time is love each other and we will all be fine (Tania Mandana)
    Embrase the light, you get from your friends and live your life until the end! (Maria Tsaroucha)
    A love so precious a love so true
    a love that comes from me to you! (Katerina pyrtsiou)
    lets share the love as if we wanted to be shared. (Kasia Kotas) 
    Snow family love
    Sing the carols, spread the joy
    and playing candy crush (Lucas Torselli)
    may the Santa Claus give presents to every girl and boy (Artemis Ananiadou GR)
    I usally play at christmas  with snow and i make snowman.(Athanasia dedousi GR)  
    At christmas we celebrate the Jesus birth (LORENCA QEVANI)
    Chitsmas tree symbolise love,  happines and joy.(Chris)
    Roses are red,  Violets are blue, the Christmas tree is gorgeous and so are YOU!!(Fanis Karidas, Greece) 
    Open the lights and play with snowfales <3 (Panagiota Alvanoudi)
    Snow is like stars.and shine a lot!!(Giorgos Danoglouan)
    You can eat hot chocolate near a fireplace (sonia ramain)
    And drink Champagne with people important to you (Mathillde Montestruc)
    Christmas is time to celebrate Christ's birth and to get funny presents (Julie Chen)
    Xmas is over and now, we are getting back to class for finish this project. (zi.
    But before, I wish you a happy new year. (Sofia Papon)
    So let's get out our beautiful christmas tree (joseph sinamban)
    Christmas is a way to relax and eat (Laura Joly)
    Eat and drink a lot ( VictorZupnik)
    remeber hot chocolate is better than presents (martin r)
    Take out your reindeer and go for an adventure (Aliette Mouton)
    lights in Paris during the Xmas holidays are beautiful and better present ( Benjamin Di Falco)
    Merry Christmas is told by everyone
    All the children are waiting for the first star (Iwona Pasieka)
    Santa Claus is coming, 
    Santa Claus is among us,
    Everyone is happy, 
    Everyone can be smile. (Karolina Pyś)
    Everywhere is white,
    Everywhere is snow, 
    It's beautiful  just like a tale, so you known that is Christmas! (Sylwia Indeka) 
    Tangerine smell will remind you this special Christmas day
    so fresh your mind and enjoy yourself! (Magda Czopka)
    Carols are heard everywhere,
    Happiness is in the air. (Monika Kalika) 
    It is not a true Winter if there is not snow
    The magic of Christmas never ends and its greatest of gifts are family and friends...(Patrycja Marks)