Calendar of Seasons


    This was a joined result. The proceedure was as follow: Pupils were already informed about the project. Throughout the project they were encouraged to take pictures of natural landscapes of their country every month or for any onths they wanted to. In Cyprus, for every month, we collected the photos and made an online survey so parents, teachers and pupils could vote and choose the one they like the most to represent Cyprus' natural beauty in the calendar of Seasons. The winning photos from each country were collected and then they were merged to create the Calendar of Seasons for 2019 which you can print if you like from the link below! 

     Calendar of Seasons-Printable



    During this course and the next, we work together with the school in Poland, Bulgaria, Cyprus, we will make a calendar of the season.

    The calendar should show images of the natural spaces around our town. We have done a competition.

    Each classes will take a picture each month. The students will be responsible themselves for selecting the winning images every month.



    Calendar according to the seasons

    Under the project activities Calendar according to the season was created. Each country made 12 peicures of the nature, a piecture for each month. Project participants exchange their pictures and Cyprus team printed the calendar. Here are the pictures of Bulgarian team