Year 6 pupils. after studying in Geography and Science lessons about the different important natural places. Then they created in teams presentations related to cycling paths and other important natural treasures and they presented them in class. 



    Moreover, our pupils had the chance to clean a park near the school, in order to contribute to a more green environment. 



    After much thinking and debate at the school at the end of decició that the best would be to make the festival of respect by contributing to our environment. A city that has 90% of sunny days a year, with an average temperature of 18 degrees, could not miss the opportunity to take care of one of the greatest environmental tourist attractions, Punta Entina.

    Punta Entina is a natural park where birds stop in their migrations. An area very rich in different species, both plants and animals. Punta Entina is a protected area that also has natural beaches.

    What better celebration after knowing our surroundings to collaborate with a cleaning patruya, so that our natural park is as clean as possible and the birds, animals, insects and vegetation can live as well as possible.


    In order to teach students to respect nature, a cycling path was organised. Students ride their bikes on cycling paths enjoying the beauty of nature. Also, a presentation related to local plants and animals under protection have been made.