Compliment Week


    The proceedure:

    Every pupil was asked to get one notebook they like. Every morning for one week we had a draw. Each pupil got a piece of paper with a  name of one of their classmates and they had to say a compliment to that classmate and watch their reaction. After that they wrote down the compliment and the reaction in their notebook. At the end of the week we discussed about how happy we can make people around us with a small compliment. 






    Currently we live in a world in a great hurry, in which we do not stop to realize or recognize the actions or events that happen around us. It is important to work with the students expressing feelings and affection towards others, as well as being grateful to the people around us.
    We have worked the "Compliment Week" where the students had two weeks to work. The first week was destined to work at home, with his family and the second at school, with his partners.
    You can see some of the notebooks in the ERASMUS + panel.




    A compliment week

    A complement week has been organised under a project activities. Students tell compliments each other, they have made a diary of complements where friends responded to their friends' compliments.
    Also, a day of a hug has been organised. Young students gave hugs to older students and their teachers at the school entrance.

    A compliment diary









    A hug day