

    Did you know that different generations have names? Did you know that your parents, grandparents even your generation has a name? Find out what are those names. Find out what are the nicknames the students from partner countries use to call their grandparents. Find out what are some of the names people in the world use to call their grandparents and even how is one of the most well know royal grannies called. Identify your grandparents, parents and your generation name. Take the quiz to check your knowledge. 


    1. Read the article about nicknames that grandchildren give their grandparents. Share your answer in a FORUM post. Deadline: May 10

    2. Read the information below (Generations XYZ and the others)  and find out about different names the generations were given by scientists. Identify the name of your grandparents', parents' and your generation name. Deadline: May 10


    Generations X,Y,Z and the others

    What does this mean?


    Infos About All of the Generations

    This page is dedicated to answering common questions about generations and to give context to bigger generational conversations on topics such as differences, similarities, and trends in employment, shopping, voting, and more.