Myths about aging

  • There are things we say about grandparents that don't necessarily reflect the reality. They are rather generalisations which are made based on some statistics, the opinion of a majority, or on a statement that used to be true.

    Let's find out what are the most well known stereotypes and myths about aging.

    Let's read an article about a very unusual granny, talk to our grandparents about unusual things they did and see that every grandparent is different, is an "island" to discover.

    Let's discover our grandparents!


    1. Read and get to know what are the most well known stereotypes and myths about aging.

    8 Aging Myths,Debunked

    2. Click on the link bellow. It will take you to the FORUM. Read the article about a very unusual granny and share with us your thoughts. Deadline: May 15

    The Amazing Adventures of Alice Carter