Activity2: Playing Chess

  • Chess is one of the world's most popular games, played by millions of people worldwide. In this Activity students will learn about its rules, history, connectios, theory and competitions. And, of course, they will play chess!!!

    Students from each school will make a presentation on one aspect of Chess Game. They also have to prepare 5 questions about the content of their work in order to be included in the Kahoot which will be played a few minutes before the Online Chess Competition. The format of the presentation is free. It can be a video, slides, pdf... which will be published on the Twinboard below.

    This is the topic for each school:

    IES Trassierra Galatasaray Lisesi IIS Enrico Fermi 1º Geniko Lykeio Iliou Rigas 25 vidusskola
    Competitions Connections Rules History Theory


  • Presentations on Chess Game

    Chess' rules - ITALY
    CHESS GAME: STUDENTS participants- ITALY

    ALUNNI Partecipanti CLASSE
    1. Mainolfi Filippo 1A
    2. Caturano Nicola 1B
    3. De Nigris Armando 1B
    4. Caltanisetta Giacinto Giulio 3B
    5. Gallo Fiore 3B
    6. Mataluni Giuseppe 1B
    7. Monaco Simone 4A
    8. Russo Daniele 4G
    9. Meccariello Antonello 5G
    10. Meccariello Francesco 5G

    Chess theory - LATVIA
    Chess competitions - SPAIN

    In this document we talk about the most used system in chess and also stories and curiosities of chess championship.
    Made for Carlos Torres Jiménez and Pablo Amo Castillejo.

    Chess History GREECE

    A short description from early times till today