- to make students aware on the importance of the Internet nowadays

    - to encourage crosscultural communication

    - to consolidate written skills


    - creation of collaborative forum threads on netiquette


    - participation in a Mentimeter wordcloud.

    Do you know what netiquette is? Look at this infographic made by the Turkish team!

    In this task we want you to discuss about the best ways to behave in the Internet. 

    This video can give you an idea (source: Swinburne University of Technology. Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license).

    Think a little bit about these points:

    • Differences between online and in face-to-face interactions
    • Cultural differences

    Participate in the forums by adding ONE or TWO tips in one of them. There are three categories (emails, social networking sites and blogs).

    Do not forget to reply to other participants.