No day without math/Nici o zi fară matematică

  • No day without math/Nici o zi fară matematică

    Nichiforenco Galina

    IPLT students Ștefan Vodă, watched for a week how often they used mathematics./Elevii LPLT Ștefan Vodă, au urmărit pe parcursul unei săptănâni cât de des au apelat la ajutorul matematicii.

    Carmen Rotaru, Secondary School " Alexandru Deparateanu" Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman, Romania
    Circles and spheres in sports, Elementary School Pušća, District School Dubravica (Croatia)

    Mathematics surrounds us wherever we go. Eighth grade students of Pušća Elementary School explored where circles and spheres appear in sports. They came across interesting examples and thus became aware of the importance of mathematics and its ubiquity.

    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi Primary School İstanbul Turkey