Pi's day/Ziua lui pi

  • 14 The day of /14 Ziua lui π

    Nichiforenco Galina, IPLT Ștefan Vodă, or. Ștefan Vodă, Republica Moldova
    Luca Vitalina, IPLT Ștefan Vodă, or. Ștefan Vodă, Republica Moldova
    Andrian Vladas IPLT Ștefan Vodă, or. Ștefan Vodă, Republica Moldova
    Pi Day in Elementary School Pušća, Croatia

    Eighth grade student Petar Šinko made and held a presentation on the Pi number and Pi Day to other eighth grade students of the Pušća Elementary school. Students decorated the billboard with with occasional photos and jokes about the number Pi and the math teacher made mini 𝝅izzas for students. Also, students played several games related to the number Pi and competed who will remember more decimal places of the number Pi. We had a great time and learned a lot. :)

    Pi Day in Elementary School Pušća, Croatia
    Pi Day in Elementary School Pušća, Croatia
    Number Pi; Elementary School Pušća, Croatia

    Presentation on the Pi number and Pi Day made by eighth grade student Petar Šinko.

    Pi day in District school in Dubravica, Croatia

    We've combined Pi day with programming. The students drew number Pi in the programming language Logo. Here you can see the code and picture of number Pi. Also, eighth grade students have made number Pi in quilling technique.

    Carmen Rotaru, Secondary School " Alexandru Deparateanu" Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman, Romania

    PI day!