Teacher presentation/Prezentarea profesorilor


  • Teachers

    Vasilache Galina, Republic of Moldova, IPLT ”Ștefan Vodă”

    Salutare tuturor. Ma numesc Vasilache Galina. Sunt profesoară de matematică și informatică. Îmi doresc să le transmit elevilor mei motivația și curiozitatea pentru științele exacte. Să avem o colaborare frumoasă
    Hi all. My name is Vasilache Galina. I am a teacher of mathematics and computer science. I want to pass on to my students the motivation and curiosity for the exact sciences. Let's have a beautiful collaboration

    Nichiforenco Galina, IPLT “Ștefan Vodă”, Republic of Moldova,

    Hi, all participants, I'm Galina Nichiforenco, I've been working as a math teacher for 20 years. In this project I want a beautiful collaboration between teachers and students, an exchange of good practices, to demonstrate how useful and necessary is mathematics in everyday life.Bună, tuturor participanților, sunt Galina Nichiforenco, activez de 20 ani ca profesoară de matematică. În acest proiect îmi doresc o colaborare frumoasă dintre profesori și elevi, un schimb de bun practici, pentru a demostra cât de utilă și necesară este matematica în viața de zi cu zi.

    Rotaru Carmen , Secondary School"Alexandru Depărățeanu", Romania
    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi İlkokulu Kartal İstanbul

    Hi, I'm Aysun. I'm a teacher at a primary school in Istanbul. I have 30 students. They are 7 years old. I'm interesting eTwining for 4 years. I have quality labels. I'm happy for working with you.

    Marijana Pili, Croatia, Pušća Elementary School

    I am a Math teacher at the Pušća Elementary School in Croatia. I like working on projects because that's how I make new acquaintances, learn in a fun way, share experiences and participate in various challenges. I try to make Math more fun and easier for my students. I look forward to our collaboration in this project and I believe it will be very successful.

    Praporșcic Victoria

    Sunt profesoară de matematică la IP ” Gimnaziul V. Harnaj” Baimaclia, Republica Moldova.

    Kristina Halambek, Croatia, Pušća Elementary School

    Hi, I'm Kristina. I am a Maths teacher at Pušća and Dubravica Elementary School in Croatia. I also teach ICT. Maths has always been my favorite school subject and I love giving lectures to my students. This is the first time I have participated in a project and I am very excited about it.