Distribution of activities(distribuirea activităților)

  • Each participant should choose from the table below an activity for which he will be responsible, indicating his name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number.(Fiecare paticipant să și alegă  din tabelul de mai jos o activitate de care va fi responsabil, indicând numele, prenumele, adresa electronică și telefonul.


  • Activitați Code Week

    Vasilache Galina, Republic of Moldova, IPLT ”Ștefav Vodă”


    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi İlkokulu Kartal İstanbul

    Codeweek 2021

    Code Week 2021, IPLT Ștefan Vodă, or. Ștefan Vodă, Republica Moldova,
    Code week, Croatia, Elementary School Pušća, District School Dubravica

    Our students programmed in Scratch, explored symmetries, and made real works of art. In a fun way, the students learned something new and also they improved their ICT skills.