Math everywhere/Matematica pretutindeni

  • Math everywhere/Matematica pretutindeni

    Nichiforenco Galina

    IPLT students Ștefan Vodă, discovered the need for mathematics in everything around us./Elevii IPLT Ștefan Vodă, au descoperit necestitea matematicii în tot ce ne înconjoară.

    Carmen Rotaru, Secondary School " Alexandru Deparateanu" Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman, Romania

    The Romanian village.

    Secondary School " Alexandru Deparateanu" Rosiorii de Vede, Teleorman, Romania
    Maria Mitroi

    School Alexandru Deparateanu- Math and Sport

    Maria Mitroi

    School Alexandru Deparateanu

    Maria Mitroi

    School Alexandru Deparateanu

    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi Primary School İstanbul Turkey
    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi Primary School İstanbul Turkey
    Student Miroslav made cost estimate of his birthday celebration, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    The students designed and made brochures in which they planned their birthday celebration and made calculations of how much money they would spend. In this way, they realized the importance of mathematics in everyday life and the importance of financial literacy in cost planning.

    Student Jakov made cost estimate of his birthday celebration, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    The students designed and made brochures in which they planned their birthday celebration and made calculations of how much money they would spend. In this way, they realized the importance of mathematics in everyday life and the importance of financial literacy in cost planning.

  • IPLT Ştefan Vodă, Luca Vitalina, impressions


    Following this activity, we discovered that mathematics exists everywhere: in the kitchen, in chemistry, in physics, in everything around us. We developed our teamwork and learned to discover new things together. We exchanged ideas and experiences with students from other countries, which helped us a lot to progress and become better. I hope to continue with such projects and activities, and next year!