Presentation of students/Prezentarea elevilor

  • The students involved in the project give a short personal description of themselves.(Elevii implicați în proiect își fac o mică descriere personală despre ei.)


  • Students

    Secondary school "Alexandru Deparateanu"Romania

    Happy and curious

    Bruma Liviu, elev a IPLT ,,Ștefan Vodă”, Republica Moldova,

    Mă numesc Liviu, sunt pasionat de cifre, calcule, rezolvări matematice, a fost o mare provocare să particip în acest proiect, îmi doresc să colaborăm împreună cu alți elevii din alte țări.My name is Liviu, I am passionate about numbers, calculations, mathematical solutions, it was a great challenge to participate in this project, I want to collaborate with other students from other countries.

    Vitalina Luca, IPLT student Ștefan Vodă, Republic of Moldova

    Hello, I am Vitalina student of 8th grade, problem solving, mathematical exercises, it creates a huge pleasure for me, in this project I want to exchange opinions, proposals, techniques, methods of solving everyday problems with students from other countries, cities of the world.
    Salut, sunt Vitalina elevă a clasei a 8 C, rezolvările de probleme, exerciții matematice, îmi creează o plăcere imensă, în acest proiect îmi doresc să facem un schimb de păreri, propuneri, tehnici, metode de rezolvare a problemelor cotidiene cu elevii din alte țări, orașe ale lumii.

    Andrian Vladas-student-"Ștefan Vodă" Theoretical High School
    Lorena Žmegač, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    My name is Lorena. I am 14 years old.
    My favourite sport is football. I spend my free time with my family and with my friends. In this project I expect good colaboration and to make new friends. 😉

    Lucija Modrić, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    Hi my name is Lucija. I live in Croatia. I am 14 years old. My favorite sports are handball and football. I look forward to participating in the Etwinning project 😁

    Nika Šinko, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    I'm Nika Šinko from elementary
    school Pušća.
    I look forward to participating in the Etwinning project.
    In my free time I play volleyball and rollerblading.

    Lana Ledinski, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    Hi I'm Lana. I am fourteen years old. I love animals. My hobby is making clay ornaments. I'm going to eighth grade. My favorite subject is biology.

    Hana Mihok, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    Hello everyone, my name is Hana and I am 14 years old. I am from Croatia and as far as my interests go, I am passionate about learning about other languages and cultures.I am currently in 8th grade in primary school. Besides that, my everyday hobby is horseriding and sport in general. Also, I enjoy hanging out with my friends or my dog. I am looking forward to learn from each other during our project!

    Tara Bermanec, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    Hi! My name is Tara. I am fourteen years old and I live in Croatia. I go to a school called Pušća and I am in the eighth grade there. I have one hobby and that is drawing and I think I'm pretty good at it.

    Magdalena Vugec, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    My name is Magdalena and I am 14 years old, and I am going to 8th grade. I train gymnastics and tennis in my free time whenever I can. I also really like to draw in my free time, especialy when I come home after school, but I also really like to play video games and I play them everyday. I usually don’t read books but I really like to read manga.

    Jurica Stanišak, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia
    Ika Lončarević, Elementary school Pušća

    My name is Ika, I am 14 years old, I go to the 8th grade in elementary school Pusca. In my free time I hang out with friends.

    Luka Vučenović, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    Hi there!! My name is Luka Vučenović and I am 14 years old and I live in Pušća, Croatia. I am born in the USA. I have a big familly but I love them all.

    Mihael Strgar, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    My name is Mihael Strgar. I am 14 years old and I'm an 8th grade student at Dubravica Elementary School in Croatia. In my free time I like to draw, play the guitar and play football. Also, I like watching movies and series.

    Lana Jurić, Elementary school Pušća, Croatia

    I'm Lana Jurić. I am 14 years old and I'm attending the 8th grade at Dubravica Elementary School in Croatia. In my free time I like to relax and spend time with my family and my close friends. I have a brother who is two years younger than me.

    Praporșcic Victoria

    Ariadna și Magda suntem eleve în clasa VII-a, IP ”Gimnaziul V.Harnaj ” Baimaclia , Republica Moldova .

    Aysun YAZICIOĞLU Eğe Sanayi İlkokulu Kartal İstanbul

    We are participating in this project from Turkey. We're so happy to be with you guys. Elementary school 2. We're going to class. We started learning English this year. Our teacher is helping us. We're looking forward to having fun activities.

    eBook 8th graders from Pušća elementary school
    Iulia Ceapchi, Theoretical Lyceum "Stefan Voda", Moldova

    Hi! I'm Iulia. I am a student in the 8th grade. My favourite object is Math and it is the reason why I'm taking part in this project. Also, I love doing sport and I am passionate about crocheting.