• This site is a space to share the results of our project: all the materials, works, pictures, films that were presented during our online meetings.

  • We care about our planet and here you can see what we do

    1st online project meeting: Polish works and actions

    The short video showing the works and actions taken by the Polish team during the first stage of the project.

    3rd online project meeting: Oceans and their creatures

    This short video is a compilation of Polish students presentations on sea life, creatures living in oceans, what one can do to save them and why we all should take care about oceans.

    2nd online project meeting: Recycling and Renewable Sorces of Energy

    This is a short video showing what Polish team did before the second project online meeting.

    C1 report

    This is a report that was created after C1 visit of Polish teachers in IC Perri Pitagora

    C1: Lesson scenario "Speech therapist in action"

    This is a scenario of the lesson that was conducted during C1 visit in IC Perri Pitagora

    C1: Lesson scenario "The second life of things: T-shirts painting""

    This is a scenario of a lesson conducted during C1 visit in IC Perri Pitagora

    C1: Lesson scenario "Earth Day"

    This is a scenario of a lesson about Earth Day conducted during C1 in IC Perri Pitagora

    C2/C3 Workshops scenario "Upcycling: second life of things"

    This is a scenario of workshops which were organised and conducted during C2/C3 online visit. Students learnt about recycling and upcycling and produced something of a set of trush. Then they presented their works to peers.

    C2/C3 Workshops scenario "Beehotels"

    This is a scenario of workshops organised and conducted during C2/C3 online visit. It is about pollinators, their importnance for the planet and building beehotels for them.

    C2/C3 a short film on pollinators

    It is a short video prepared for students as an intro to workshops on pollinators. The workshops were organised and conducted during C2/C3 online visit

    C2/C3 a short video about upcycling

    It is a short video prepared for students as an intro to workshops about upcycling. The video was presented during C2/C3 online visit.

    C2/C3 A song for climate

    It is a record of students performing the song for climate. It was prepared before the C2/C3 online visit and presented to all students during the online meeting.

    C2/C3 a questionaire for the first day of online visit

    It is a questionairse (in Polish for Polish students; Italians had the same but in Italian language) about recycling and upcycling; questions covered what students learnt during workshops and what they produced.

    C2/C3 a questionaire for the second day of online visit

    It is a questionaire (in Polish for Polish students; Italians had the same but in Italian language)- about pollinators and building beehotels. The questions covered what students learnt about pollinators and their importnace to the planet and beehotels they produced during workshops.

    1st online project meeting: Italian works and actions

    The short video showing the works and actions taken by the Italian team during the first stage of the project

    2nd online project meeting: "Reduce, reuse, recycle",

    The short video showing the works and actions taken by the Italian team during the first stage of the project

    3rd online project meeting: I want to be ecologist

    "I want to be ecologist" : a show prepared and recorded by Italian team