• WE GO GREEN is an Erasmus+ KA229 project involving vocational schools in Germany, Spain, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Norway.

    The project involves a student project based on the EU goals of sustainable development and environmental protection.

    It involves groups represented by students from each country that will work on ways to personally contribute to a more sustainability and need to look at climate change.

    The project is about making the students more aware of waste, the use of energy and vehicles and so on without the raised index finger. Instead, we want to create an awareness of what we can do easily to be more environmentally friendly in everyday life.

    That is why the students are supposed to reflect on their daily routines and are now trying to find solutions how to have a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

    The planned activities in each country are divided into pre-while and post visiting activities.


    • Achieve a better and more sustainable future for all
    • Adopt the Sustainable Development Goals
    • Learn how to reduce, reuse and recycle
    • Aim at zero waste- waste less food and water
    • Act now to stop global warming
    • Avoid plastic bags
    • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages



    SPAIN (7th to 10th of March, 2022)

    Students will study the water school bill of each country. Afterwards they compare each country’s consumption of water. Then they will brainstorm of some ideas to reduce it (slogans labels in the toilets, communication with other students at the fountain, Google Forms to the rest of the school, proposal to the principal for new tap-controllers, etc.).

    After a couple of months to re-study the water bill to see if it got lower and find new solutions to low it even more.

    Final outcome: graphics material and pictures of the measures taken.


    CROATIA (3rd to 8th of April, 2022)

    Pre-meeting activities will include a questionnaire that will measure the students' environmental awareness in oder to see how aware our students are on environmental issues and their consumer habits and will have environmental knowledge questions about biodiversity, sustainable development and ecological footprint.

    Each school will organize workshops on the topic to raise the students' awareness on environmental issues and the workshops will be documented in any form the partner schools choose and presented at the meeting in Croatia.


    CZECH REPUBLIC (30th May to 4th June, 2022)

    At our school we will concentrate on the questions of wildlife protection in cooperation with other participating schools.

    Via Facebook, Instagram and other social networking sites we will discuss what the most common wildlife animals and trees in our regions are, which plants are typical for our areas in different parts of a year (spring, summer, autumn, winter). We will discuss how we can help the animals when they are in danger (for example little food in winter or a hurt animal in a car crash) or which animals can be somehow dangerous for a man and how (attack, illness and so on).

    We will also discuss the ways of saving precious plants and trees which are source of paper and wood. We would also like to discuss the opinion of mushrooms which are extremely popular in our coutry as food.

    Finally each school will prepare a presentation about the wildlife in their area and we will post all the presentations on the Facebook and other social networking sites so that anybody can see it.


    NORWAY (19th to 24th September, 2022)

    All participating students will be involved in the writing of the project blog. During the two year period students from each country will work together in groups writing about efforts they have made and will make for a sustainable future.

    In the periods between each country visit the groups will decide upon some tasks they will do at home that will contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle.

    Their experience will be documented through a blog and illustrated with photos from the project. In the month before the meeting in Norway, the students will reactivate the blog, will add more photos and comment on the different experiences their colleagues have made so that during the visit in Norway, the groups can present all the articles from the blog and be ready to discuss their experiences with representatives from one or more environmental organizations that we will invite to a one day seminar.


    SLOVENIA (21st to 24th November, 2022)

    Activities before the real exchange are: informing the public, staff + students in our school when the project is approved through by Local (newspaper, social media,  radio + TV), school web page, school Twitter, Instagram + Facebook group page,  posters in school.

    We will get the following information channels up and running: FB group, YouTube  channel Spread the word to -Traditional media; local newspaper + TV station.  Between the first staff meeting + the first student mobility the schools will do some work on the tasks: picking out students for project group, invite them to FB where  they will be having all information about the project + coming event in Slovenia.

    Also: hyperlink to Padlet – virtual board: all participants will add their opinion +  answers to given cases which will be correlated with activities which will follow in  Slovenia (YouTube instructions How to make a good movie, presentations of  companies which will be visited + of special guests, presentation Slovenia).


    GERMANY (16th to 21st January, 2023)

    In order to find out if waste separation at our school in Gelsenkirchen is working, we use the PDCA- cycle: P= Planning - before the exchange we planned to introduce the waste separation system at our school. D = Doing - during the exchange in Germany, our participating students set the different bins in our classes and explained how waste separation works and simultaneously, all students from our school will implement it and start to separate waste. C = check: Now it is crucial to find out whether our school really separates waste and uses our introduced system of recycling.

    The participating German students draw up questionnaires to ask other students, teachers + cleaning personnel once in a month if our new introduced waste separation is working. A = Action: If students find out that is doesn't work out well, new suggestions for improvements are collected, discussed with participants and realized.

    All result are uploaded + discussed on our blog. Then the PDCA-cycle starts again.