• Decision making

    Meeting of participating countries in Germany

    Schedule for Erasmus+ Teachers Meeting in GE on 10-12 Nov 2021.pdf

    Activity proposals

    In this meeting, each partner presented the activities to be developed in the mobility in their country.

    Project meeting We go green Croatia April 2022.pdf

  • Days of hard work

    Planning of the exchange weeks. Choice of dates, proposal of activities, agreements...
    Planning of the exchange weeks. Choice of dates, proposal of activities, agreements...
    Planting "Erasmus-Tree"
    Planting "Erasmus-Tree"
    Presentations of concepts for exchange weeks
    Planning of the exchange weeks. Choice of dates, proposal of activities, agreements...
    Presentations of concepts for exchange weeks
    Planting "Erasmus-Tree"
    Presentations of concepts for exchange weeks
    Erasmus tree