• Integramos o proxecto en Educación Infantil, en todos os momentos e materias impartidas ao longo do curso. Foi unha liña de coñecemento fundada e apoiada en coñecementos e descubrimentos por parte do alumnado, partindo do coñecido para ir ampliando coñecementos.

    O proxecto foi plantexado para a etapa de infantil, que traballa de forma globalizada, polo que a multidisciplinariedade abarcaba: a linguaxe (galego e castelán, como línguas maternas ou non, e o inglés) escoitando, falando, lendo e escribindo, así mellora a comprensión e aumenta o seu vocabulario, por exemplo, coa entrevista na radio, coa lectura dos libros aportados polas familias e collidos nas bibliotecas, a psicomotricidade (fina e grosa) para facer os crebacabezas, modelar a torre (entre outras), a música que se empregaba nos vídeos por exemplo, as matemáticas ao contar ventás, escaleiras, metros, formas..., organización espaciotemporal - facendo o percorrido, as vistas ao redor, situando aos socios, a natureza que se destaca nos arredores da torre coa súa variedade, as TICs ao facer as conexións cos socios, facer o percorrido con google maps. Tivo unha participación social activa - nas conexións, en traballos de pequeno e gran grupo.

    O proxecto en sí, creou moita expectativa e interese por coñecer (e nalgúns máis a fondo) parte do patrimonio que destacamos da nosa cidade (e outro que se nomeou de Galicia e da nosa cidade), ansiando aprender/ver cousas novas que ían sabendo, o contacto con nenos/as de tan lonxe, con diferentes costumes/organización/cultura, polo que lles gustou moito facer conexións, expoñerlle e amosar a propia cidade, escoitar/ver outra cidade nova, saber que estaban colaborando para facer un traballo en conxunto, que partía dunha iniciativa creativa polo gusto das cousas ben feitas, que se ve reflexado no traballo final publicado no twinspace do proxecto.

    Dito proxecto foi presentado ao inicio do curso, ao claustro de profesores para facer nun Plan Proxecta, como aparece reflexado na Programación Xeral Anual e memoria do centro; así coma en reunións de ciclo de infantil, que tamén está na súa memoria, para contemplalo na programación do ciclo.

    O proxecto axudou a conseguir obxectivos curriculares de nivel e etapa, como coñecer e valorar aspectos básicos do patrimonio cultural nacional e europeo, axudar na súa conservación, respetar a diversidade lingüística e cultural, amosando interese e respeto polos demáis.

    Ao ser un traballo con nenos/as pequenos, foi esencial a axuda por parte do profesorado para: facer as conexións e plasmar todo o que se ía facendo, de forma dixital, empregando diversidad de ferramentas: vídeos caseiros - youtube, documentos creados - doc, pdf, fotografías propias, enquisas, gráficos, padlet, enlaces, twinboard, capturas, reportaxes, mensaxería, videoconferencias, entre outros, como se pode ver no twinspace do proxecto.

    Dito proxecto, xerou un gra impacto positivo no resto do profesorado, así coma nos alumnos/as e no resto da comunidade educativa e familiar, polo interese que xerou todo o que se ía facendo; e que aínda segue a ter (os nenos/as falan do tema). Por todo isto, quixemos difundilo das máximas maneiras posibles que estiveron ao noso alcance (no espazo e no tempo): con notas ás familias, na páxina web do centro, pola biblioteca, en Twitter, en reunións, no xornal, en Instagram, na radio do colexio, en Facebook, por Telegram.


    We integrate the project in Early Childhood Education, in all the moments and subjects taught throughout the course. It was a line of knowledge founded and supported by knowledge and discoveries by students, starting from the known to expand knowledge.

    The project was proposed for the infant stage, which works in a global way, so the multidisciplinarity included: the language (Galician and Spanish, as mother tongues or not, and English) listening, speaking, reading and writing, thus improving comprehension and increases their vocabulary, for example, with the radio interview, with the reading of books contributed by families and picked up in libraries, psychomotor skills (thin and thick) to do puzzles, model the tower (among others), the music that is used in the videos for example, the mathematics when counting windows, stairs, meters, forms ..., spatio-temporal organization - making the route, the views around, locating the partners, the nature that stands out in the surroundings of the tower with its variety, ICTs when making connections with partners, do the route with google maps. He had an active social participation - in connections, in small and large group work.

    The project itself, has created a lot of expectation and interest to know (and in some more in depth) part of the heritage that we highlight of our city (and another that was named of Galicia and our city), looking forward to learn / see new things , contact with children from so far away, with different customs / organization / culture, so they really enjoyed making connections, exposing and showing their own city, hearing / seeing another new city, knowing that they were collaborating to do a job in set, which started from a creative initiative for the taste of well-done things, which is reflected in the final work published on the project twinspace.

    This project was presented at the beginning of the course, to the faculty to do in a Project Plan, as reflected in the Annual General Program and report of the center; as well as in infant cycle meetings, which is also in his memory, to contemplate it in the programming of the cycle.

    The project helped to achieve curricular objectives of level and stage, such as knowing and valuing basic aspects of the national and European cultural heritage, helping in its conservation, respecting linguistic and cultural diversity, showing interest and respect for others.

    As it was a work with young children, it was essential to help the teachers to: make the connections and capture everything that was being done, digitally, using a variety of tools: home videos - youtube, documents created - doc , pdf, own photographs, surveys, graphics, padlet, links, twinboard, captures, reports, messaging, video conferencing, among others, as can be seen in the project twinspace.

    This project has generated a great positive impact on the rest of the teaching staff, as well as on the students and the rest of the educational and family community, due to the interest generated by everything that was being done; and that it still has (the children talk about the topic). For all this, we wanted to spread it in the maximum possible ways that were available to us (in space and time): with notes to families, on the center's website, by the library, on Twitter, in meetings, in the newspaper, on Instagram, in school radio, on Facebook, by Telegram.