How to create your own Personal Brand

  • The students of the project "Blendend Learning- Die Spur stimmt" learned how to create their own personal brand. A Personal Brand can show what competences do you have and what specifications. We created a template which can show your individual competences and in an creative and clearly arranged way. Here are the 4 steps how to create your own Personal Brand:

    1. Step: Think about topics in what you are interested in and what you like to work with. Search in the internet for some icons or pictures which represent your topics
    2. Step: Think about your own competences and try to write them down. To be able to convince someone with your competences you should find some examples which can explain your competences. Here you  see an example:



    For more examples you can have a look on this padlet, wherre you can also find a definition of competences and some examples from the students of the project:

    1. Step: Find some pictures that visualise your competences and topics you chose.
    2. Step: Find some words e.g. adjectives that describe your topics and competences
    3. Step: Choose one of the templates on the padlet:                                                 You can download one of the templates and fill it with your competences and pictures and words.


            In the end your Personal Brand visualization could look like this:


    If you want to get prepared for a job interview you can also use this template (Box on the right). And how to preprare for a job interview step by step you can find on another page here on the project page.


    If you want to know more about the definiton of Personal Branding you should have a look at this presentation: