Exchange of students in Estonia 26th - 30th of September 2016

  • Monday, day 1

    Day beginned at 8 o'clock for 5 students from Estonian school, who gathered in town centre and walked together to Villa Theresa Hotel to meet all the international guests. At 8.30 o'clock Estonian students guided the guests to Rakvere Vocational School, were they were greeted by headmaster mr Kuno Rooba.  Day started with videos about Estonia as e-country and then every country presented their homeworks. Then students started active networking with  "ice-breaking" games and formed international teams, which also had to choose a logo and a name for their group. After that, students had to make presentations about their dream job and dicuss how to reach there, which skills they need to develop for this. Students said that first day was fun and exciting altough a little bit scary, because everybody were so shy at first and wasn't used to talking in English with strangers. But later they found that this project is a good opportunity for all of them to practice :)
    Tuesday, day 2
    Students continued working in international teams and had to look for job-offers on-line for according to the specialities their group memebers are studying. They also had a external expert ms Evelin Põldsaar who used to work for a bank and now is working as mid-wife giving a lecture about her personal experiences in education, changing her career and doing voluntary work, she encouraged students to follow their heart when choosing their education and career and emphazised it is never too late to study a new speciality and that aso voluntary vork and international experiences have big influence on developing one's skills and competencis.

    Wednesday, day 3

    On day 3 everybody was quite opened already and very talkative after 2 days of interntaional group-work. Students had to do some tasks on Moodle and presentation of their dream school or schoolday. Almost everybody have overcome their fear of performing and talking with microphones. After lunch students went to photo hunting all over the town. Every group had a different theme, that they had to find and photos like educational institutions, media,  nature, health care etc. It was  great to see, that everybody had made some friends with who they maybe keep talking even after the project of photo-hunt had finished. At the same time teachers had a meeting to discuss and agree on the project activities during II project-year.


    Thursday, day 4

    Every group uploaded their photos on Moodle and some had to present and talk about their photo-hunt. After that we had a guest  from Denmark, who talked about how he turned his life upside down by changing his proffession from combat engineer to chef. Every group also had to decide on creating a kind of dream-company and decide on free position they want to hire a person. Then we had a group of students akting as jobseekers to rotate between the "companies", where they had job interviews.  Every group/"company" also had a interviewer and assessor who together decided, whether or whether not they would hire the person.  Again some assessors and jobseekers had to talk about, how the job interview went. In the afternoon  participants went to Rakvere Castle  to learn about the history of Estonia ivided into two groups. Students said" We learned much about what went on between the walls of the castle in the past and also got to visit the Torture Chamber. Lot of screaming took place there. Also the grames and activities in the international groups at Rakvere Bowling hall were very good way to get to know the international students in not so formal atmosphere. For us it was the most interesting day so far this week".

    Friday, day 5

    Last day started  at 8.15 with gathering on buses and going to Tallinn. First stop was at the Tallinn University, where students and teachers were introduced with higher eduacation institution, studies in the univeristy and specialities taught there, our group also could see a bit of movie editing. Then we headed over to Seaplane harbour, where we had time to discover about history and ships etc.  After that we went to excursion in Tallinn Old Town what Estonian students had prepared, unfortunatley weather was quite bad and everyone were complaining because of it, teachers still decided to make a quick tour. So we walked around the Old Town and Estonian students talked about buildings and history. Project ended with social dinner in Villa Theresa. It was memorable and educative week for all of us. Until next time :)