Community Lunch in Halifax

  • On Monday 11th July 2016 we held our Community Lunch.  It was attended by the mayor, members of our local Rotary Club, local business leaders and other prominent members of the community. The students who had attended the mobilities in Portugal and Poland earleir this year gave a presentation in which they described the project activities that have taken place in school so far.  Ms Nicola Swindell spoke to the audience about the mobility in Halifax next spring and asked for expressions of interest from the local business community in supporting our activities.

    This was a particularly poignant occasion, coming less than three weeks after Britain's BREXIT vote.  A series of activities were completed in the two weeks leading up to this in "Form Time" to educate students about the EU.  A referrendum was held on the same day within school.. Ryburn students voted to remain in the EU.