2nd International Short Exchange Staff Training Event

  • During the Second Transnational Short-term Exchange of Group of Pupils, Coordinators and accompanying teachers had a work plan with the following topics: 
    1. Common visits with the students to the business companies;
    2. Workshops and lecture about how i to be entrepreneur in Poland is;
    3. A Meeting. 


     Business companies Visits


    Workshops and lecture 





    Summary                                                                                                                                                           Poland | 14 to 18 march 2016


    Teachers’ Meeting


    Before the meeting

    1. The meeting started  with the payment issues by each coordinator of the participating country;

    2. Then each teacher answered the evaluation questionnaire delivered by the coordinator of mobility in Poland;

    Tasks not fulfilled

    1. It was agreed that the results of the questionnaire on entrepreneurial skills done by students and the Assessment Questionnaire on the exchange in Portugal will be presented and discussed at the meeting of coordinators in Finland (September), because there was no schedule time to address all the issues in this meeting. However, England and Finland delivered the coordinator their report with the analysis of results;

    2. The presentation of Mindmaps was not carried out because the coordinators:

    2.1. weren't acquainted with the concept / tool or simply their pupils had not done it;

    2.2. had difficulty in understanding the context of the work;

    2.3. felt the need to discuss the best tool to do so;

    3. For these reasons, the coordinator canceled this activity the first day .

    4. In an attempt to clarify the doubts, the coordinator invited one of her students to present the Mindmap that Portuguese students had done; Mrs Nicole suggested the addition of two concepts to the map and at the request of Romanian coordinator  was shown one of the many tools available to do this activity.


    Tasks to be done

    1. The coordinator of Poland is going to conduct an analysis of the evaluation questionnaires for the exchange of students and teachers to present in the next meeting of coordinators in Finland;

    2. The coordinator is going to create a page on the eTwinning so the polish coordinator can upload a summary of the activities during this Short Term Exchange of Groups of Pupils;

    3. The Polish coordinator is going to finish the Europass Mobility of students and teachers from Portugal, stamp, sign and send by mail to the school in Portugal:

    Address: Escola Secundária de Seia

                     Rua Alexandre Herculano

                     6270 - 428 SEIA



    4. The Italian coordinator shall publish in Etwinning the interviews that students performed during the First Short Term Exchange of Groups of Pupils in Portugal;

    5. The Romanian coordinator highlighted  that it is important for the project to have a website or blog. After some discussion all coordinators recognize that students adherence to Etwinning is weak.  Mr Michael from  England is responsible to create the site under the project title: ESES. The coordinators will be given the password.

    6. Still on the activities of the project, the coordinator reported that in the next two months it is important that students  work  on the interview guide for the following activities: interviewing local entrepreneurs;

    To remember:

    1. The mobility in England will take place from 13 to 17 March 2017, plus 2 days for travelling;

    2. The coordinators’ meeting in Finland from 6 to 8 September 2016:

    2.1. Price: bedroom € 59 + € 8 breakfast

    2.2. Distance to school: 10 minutes by bus

    2.3. Information about accomodation and arrangements til May

    2.4. Discussion on the work and cultural program


    3. Short Term Exchange of Groups of Pupils in Italy from 7th  november to 11th november 2017, the italian coordinator informed that Milan is the best airport  to fly to. Further details  on trips, accomodation, program with activities will be given in the next meeting in Finland.


    Balance and Final Decisions Taken

    1. In general, all activities carried out in Poland went well though the coordinator noticed that the next mobilities responsible coordinators should promote students’ group activities such as workshops or production of written or digital documents on the theme of the project - Entrepreneurship;

    2. Thus, to address the lack of a final product of this Short Term Exchange of Groups of Pupils  mobility in Poland, the coordinators agreed to do some of the following activities with their students:

    2.1. a film like story about the week of exchange;

    2.2. a newspaper article to publish on the site or in the school newspaper;

    2.3. a presentation or summary of  the exchange activities carried out in Poland to present in the school to other students;

    2.4. All the work implemented  by the students involved in this should be upload to the project Etwinning platform;


    3. Finally the coordinator called the partners’ attention to the importance of  asking their National agencies for the  Europass Mobility for students and teachers for each mobility.

     The Europass Mobility Document is awarded to each participant in a mobility  and is officially sent and approved by the National Agency of each country. The document provides the description of the Europass Mobility experience , description of skills  and competences acquired during the experience, mentioning the activities/tasks carried out in each mobility of the project.

    All partners showed interest and agreed to ask their National Agency the Europass Mobility document for the participants in each mobility. Since Portugal has already started this process with the mobility to Poland, the coordinator will publish all the procedures and a sample of the Europass in the Facebook group.



    The coordinator

      Sandra Lopes