About the project

  • About the project.docx

    Short description:

    This project is based on the principle that COVID 19 will not prevent us from sharing Christmas cards. We can exchange postcards with maximum security and with the most important, the spirit of sharing and love, so necessary all year round, but even more evoked in this time.

    In addition to this sharing we will also know other schools and other realities, a real undiscovered world.


    - Awareness of e-safety;

    - Development of ICT skills (image capture and treatment, use of different programs for sharing information between partners);

    - Exploration of different types of materials for the preparation of Christmas postcards ( motricity, creativity, attention / concentration);

    - Awareness of Alternative Communication through the use of the CPS (schools using these resources share with partners)

    - Promotion of collaborative work in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the project,

    - Sharing of materials between partners.



    During the project : Presentation of the school, city and country.

    November:  Awareness of the dangers of the internet;

    November/December: Preparation of digital Christmas postcards; Sharing postcards on a Padlet ...;

    December/January:  Exhibition on the project with shared Christmas cards,Evaluation and dissemination of the project.



    - Hotmail; Photography; Picture Manager; Movie Maker; Photostory; Classtools; Power Point; Padlet, Twinspace...



    It is intended that this project promotes cooperative work/ cultural exchanges, curricular integration and pedagogical innovation through the sharing of postcards between European schools.

    A final product is expected in Twinspace with features such as: photos, videos, Padlets and different digital tools.

    In the end, we think it is important that the students evaluate the work developed, so that a reflection is made and strategies to be used in future projects and the dissemination of the project to the school community.