Virtual Meeting in Croatia

  • Our school, Primary school Bilje, was a host of Virtual Meeting that took place from 9th to 11th March 2022.

    Through these three days students participated in many different activities to present their skills and also to get to know eachother. The main theme of the mobility was Carnival, so students showed some traditional songs and dances connecetd to the theme.

    On the first day of the meeting students participated in the interwiev. Croatian students as hosts conducted an interview and all the other students answered questions about different topics. This was a chance for our students to get to know eachother and to find out something about their friends from different countries.

    After that all the schools presented some traditional Carnival dance.

    On the second day of the meeting students competed in playing Kahoot quiz and checked their knowledege about other countries. Before the quiz they looked at the Thing Link of other schools and countries, and then they played. Students played in two groups- first group was Cyprus, Ireland and Croatia, and another group was Greece, Germany and Portugal.

    After that Croatina teacher and students presented the proces of making an origami tie, and all other students form all the partner schools followed their instructions and made and decorated their own ties.

    On the third day of the meeting every school presented different envronmental activities they do in the schoola and then kids preformed some traditional varnival song.