Day 5

  • On the last day we playes some more games at school.

    We celebrated the finals in our SDG's game. There were two teams which classified to the final and the champios won a souvenir from the school.

    Then we played an escape room about SDG. The students were divided into five groups and they have to complete some tasks to finish. The first team that finished won another award given by our school.

    Then, we all had luch together. We ate paella and some bocadillos. All the food was provided by an association working with disabled people called INTRAS.

  • Impressions

    Greek students playing

    Greek student with other countries playing escape game.Thank you we realy enjoed!

    Student playing

    Trying to find solutions in escape game!

    Open box

    Students trying to find a way to open the box for escape game !