Service learning in Italy

  • The Italian Team made a Google presentation about plogging.



    The Italian students started with some activities to make their school cleaner and more environmentally friendly.

    The students in 3AAF started a plogging campaign, involving about 10 other classes in the initiative.

    But what is plogging?

    Let's find out!

  • Plogging

    Plogging for the environment and for your health!

    Here are some flyers created by our students to promote this initiative and spread the word.
    What are you waiting for? Run for change and celebrate Earth Day everyday!


    Join us to clean up while keeping fit! Everybody is invited and you do not have to jog. You can walk, ride your bike, walk your dog while you pick up litter.


    It gives you the chance to feel better while taking care of nature.


    'Plogging' is not only for joggers. You can also do it if you like walking, cycling, rowing. This activity is more fun if you join in with others to do it.


    Think about doing your bit, whether running alone or with friends, pick up the litter you find!
    Plogging will make you and the environment healthier!


    As the Plogga slogan goes: "Be part of the solution not the pollution - Run with a purpose!"


    Plogging is good for the mind, the body, and the planet.
    Plogging will be your favourite exercise to do outdoors and it's for a great cause.