Activity 1 - Discovering the SDGs


    We can discover the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with some games, to mix and match students, let them know each other, be creative...

    1) count students from 1 to 17

    2) create groups of students with numbers 1, 2... and so on

    3) provide groups with silent images of SDGs (just the logo, without the title)

    4) each group has 5 minutes to discuss and guess the topic of the goal

    5) each group has 10 minutes to check on the web if their ideas were right 

    6) each group has 5 minutes more to write a short slogan for the goal

    7) each group presents the goal in plenary session

    The group prepares a poster to attract the attention of the school community on the topic

    Last year we repetaed the activity many times: the first time the teacher was the facilitator, then students of the 5th year facilitated the activity of younger students

    It proved to be an excellent dissemination strategy within the school.

  • Images of students during the game to discover the SDGs

    Students discovering the meaning of each symbol
    Silent symbols of SDGs
    Students discuss on the slogan
    students presenting to the class
    writing the slogan
    sharing ideas with the school community