Raising awareness about environmental issues

  • At the Italian school some students created infographics with the aim of raising awareness about what we can do to protect the environment, reduce pollution, fight climate change.

    Infographics are a great tool because they help you organize the information in a meaningful way.

  • Some of our infographics

    What teens can do to protect the environment

    There are lots of ways in which teens can act to fight climate change and pollution. Just check our infographic to find out more!

    Ways to reduce plastic

    Please check out tips!

    Tips for reducing plastic use

    Plastic pollution is a big issue, here are some more tips on what to do!

    The 3 Rs of the environment

    Do you know about the three Rs? Check our infographic above!

    Let's celebrate Earth Day

    Every day should be Earth Day!

    Simple ways to help the environment

    Are our habits or routines harmful?

    Tips for living with less plastic

    Can we alter our habits to improve the quality of life for future generations?

    Tips for reducing your plastic use

    Do I spend enough time thinking about the effect my choices have on the earth?


    For nearly 50 years Greenpeace has been sailing the world's oceans protecting our planet and fighting for environmental justice in order to change the way we humans relate to nature and each other.

    How to go green in 10 simple steps

    Going green involves taking steps to minimize the damage humans are doing. Going green involves living an environmentally responsible life, and making choices that will help preserve the earth and its non-renewable resources instead of destroying them.

    Simple Ways to Reduce Food Waste

    Find out what we can do to reduce food waste and to make a difference!

    10 Simple Ways to make our Life Greener
    How to go Green at Work
    How to go Green at Home
    Hw to Reduce Air Pollution