PREDICTIONS We use a book called “At the zoo". It shows the silhouettes of the animals, that can be lifted to reveal the animals identity. I hold the book in front of the children and ask many questions about the animals and encourage the students to guess what the animal is. The students are very interested in the book because it is good for their age level and they can ask many questions and share their ideas about the animals. L1 and English.
3 years
AMAZING ANIMALS We bring animal puppets, in a purple suitcase, into differents classrooms to ask the students questions and have them interact with the animals in a fun way. L1 and English. Click in these photos.
"Amazing animals" 4 years "I'm a...." 5 years "Pets in 1st and 2nd grade" "Can it be a pet?" Primary 3rd

5 years student make a big poster, call "LEGS, WINGS, FINS" about differents body parts in animals. They draw animals and then they stick in the poster. Look at it!!

ANIMAL MASKS PROJECT The first and second graders get to make masks of their favourite animals! First they trace the animal pictures and then colour them however they want to. They could be very creative with this project. They wanted to share their animal masks with everyone and so we made a video of them sharing who they are, with the noises or actions that their animals make, they included animal characteristics in their presentation. They were so excited about sharing their masks and practicing the animals names!
Catherine, our language assistant read “Dear Zoo” to the students. We wanted Catherine to read because she is perfect at telling stories, the students tried to guess what the word means from the funny gestures and facial expressions that she made. They all were very excited about the book and guessing which animal was behind the cover! They enjoyed the silly and naugthy monkey and the long trunk of the elephant! After each animal was revealed, Catherine would ask the students to repeat the name, or describing words several times, repeating after her so that everyone was saying the name correctly.
We need some coloured popsicle sticks and a glue stick. The students cut out each animal and glued them to the sticks. Each student put their names on their own puppets so that they wouldn't get mixed up and they could bring them home.
We tested the students to make sure they know their animals and their descriptions! We would describe an animal and the students would hold up the right animal puppet in the air. The students sing along to the song "Dear zoo" (youtube) holding up their puppets.
Then they play a matching game and ask each other to show "Which animal is____fierce, scary, big, tall, perfect, etc? One student would hold a card with the animal’s description and the other would hold their stick puppet and they had to find each other.
The students of third course quiz each other, making sure everyone knows the descriptions and names of the animals! Click in the picture.

Finally the students bring the puppets home to tell, sing and act the story to their parents. With the help of her brother, second grader Sofia made her own video of “Dear Zoo” using the set of her Christmas Manger Scene ( in Spanish Belén). She situated each animal in a different place, and played the song of Dear Zoo. The scenery was perfect for the animals! Sofia and her brother (who is in 6th course in our school) did all the planning, set up, recording and editing. Click to watch it!
The students of fourth, fifth and sixth course were given their own “Dear Zoo” books to decorate and build their own cages like the book! They used colored pencils, scissors and glue to create their books. The students had to match the correct covers with the right animals in order to create their books.
After they finished their own “Dear Zoo” books, they listened watched the video "Dear zoo" singing the story and learned how to sing along using their own books!
Click in this picture.
Students of 4th, 5th and 6th grade participate in our eTwinning project too.They have illustrated and developed a POP-UP BOOK "DEAR ZOO" and have read to their godchildren. They have sung, danced y drawn together. Finally they have given the tale to the 3, 4 and 5 year students.
5 years Pre-Primary teacher, María, has prepared this video to show you all how her class has participated in several activities about our project in this term. We hope you like it!