DAY 1:
Here there´s a picture linked to our video, not only to present the project to parents in our school but also for you to see what we did before the story-telling and share it if you want...we hope you like it and you can watch it.
( please click on the picture below to watch the video)

Videos that show some of our activities before the story-telling:
DAY 2:
Then, we revised the animals previously learnt and told the story to the children: firstly, quickly paying attention to the pictures, secondly the story telling itself while repeating the names of animals, adjectives and doing gestures and finally, we told the story again and children held the animals pictures putting them up when they appeared in the story. After the story telling, they watched the video with the song of the story and played a game on the blackboard with the animals from the story and their boxes.
( please click on the picture below to watch the video)

DAY 3:
We asked the children to think about their favourite pet, comparing their answers with the animals from the story Dear Zoo.
Then, they drew them on a template pretending they were writing to the zoo, asking for those pets to be sent to them.
Finally, we counted all the pets and found out which pet was their very favourite one. We put their drawings on the blackboard like a chart.
( please click on the picture below to watch the video)

DAY 4:
We brought some real fish to classroom so our students could see them, as they were chosen their favourite pet. They also had fun playing on the whiteboard with the jigsaws made by their friends from other European schools.
( please click on the picture below to watch the video)

They also wanted to tell their Europeans friends something about their favourite pet on the videos below.
Then, they watched and sang this beautiful traditional song about fish.