In spite of many organisational problems, only four schools ( CEIP Serrano Clavero from Requena- Spain, CEIP Abencerrajes from Granada- Spain, IC Barone Baranello Scuola dell´Infanzia di Torella del Sannio- Italy and Scuola dell'Infanzia di Fossalto- Italy) manage to talk on Skype at the same time: students introduced themselves, talked about their animals they had previously made, talked about some mixed animals and sang together their new lyrics of the song " I have a pet".
It was great fun!
Here you have videos and photos to see it:
From CEIP Serrano Clavero, Requena, Spain
From CEIP Abencerrajes, Granada, Spain
From Torella del Sannio and Fossalto (Italy)
The other schools managed to send instant greetings at the end of the project through Whatsap and are planning to have a connection through an etgwinning live conference at the beginning of next school year as welcome back!