In this short video there is a summary of some activities we did in order to reinforce language and content:
1. Children took photos of their pets and brought them to school. Pets were classified according to different criteria (group, colour, actions, skin, etc)
2. Children played different games in order to reinforce English language and content:
- put on some music and children areasked to dance; when music stops they have to tell the nearer friend what kind of pet they have at home: I have a cat,,,two dogs....I have no pets....
- the teacher draws an animal card and asks children to guess what it is: I have a pet, what is it? Is it a.....? Yes, it is - No, it isn't
- in pairs, children have a set of cards; they take turns in drawing a card and the friend has to guess what animal is.
3. Children play the game She/he is. In pairs one child draws a card and says "I have a pet, she is a frog" and the friend has to make the sound of the animal. The cards are marked with blue or pink dots so that children know if the animal is a male or a female and can make an appropriate sentence with he or she.
4. The class chose an animal to be used to sing a new line for the cooperative song : "I have a pet"
5. Children observed turtles in a video and a real one brought to school by one of the pupils
6. The most relevant observations about the turtle body and information were collected in a concept map
7. Children recorded the song
8. Children watched and discussed the partner works shared in the twinspace and final cooperative song.