Introduction project and SDGs (Belgium)

  • 18/12/2020

    The classes of grade 5 and 6 received christmascards from the Spanish students of grade 5 and 6. We also made cards for them. In this way, we get to know each other better. 


    We introduced SDGs in all classes. In this way, all pupils got to know the concept of the SDGs.


    After the project was introduced with the children, the oldest children (Grade 5-6) wanted to meet the children of grade 5-6 of Spain. We arranged a Skype meeting where all classes could ask questions to each other. 

    Some questions were:

    What is the name of your school? How old are you? What is the typical food in your country? What languages do you learn at school? ...

    We learned a lot from each other!


    In all classes of the primary school we brainstormed about the five SDGs we chose for our project. We looked at the foreknowledge of the children. The teachers had no input, everything came from the pupils.

    We have divided the result into two documents. One document on Tandem and one on Droomschip. This also allows us to compare the difference between the two locations.

    First brainstorm SDGs Tandem.docx

    First brainstorm SDGs Droomschip.docx



    The Belgian kindergarten teachers followed today a webinar on sustainability in kindergarten. They were given ideas to work with preschoolers on sustainability. 


    In Belgium, we have also introduced SDGs to teachers. Most teachers did not know this yet. We followed an interesting workshop about the SDGs via Djapo, an organisation that will also guide us during the project. 
    The teachers were very excited to work with the SDGs in the classroom. 
    The Spanish colleagues had been working with the SDGs for a long time, so they didn't need an introduction about the SDGs. 


    As a first introduction for our project to the school environment, the schools made a video. In this video we presented the project and the partner school. This was done in our own language so that all parents and partners of the school could be reached.