
  • It will be easier to communicate in groups, so we will create them here 


      Greece Spain  Sweden
    Group 1 Aglaia S, Chirstos X, Caris R, Irene p Nerea Villena, Paula Guerrero, Jade Lafaurie Alexina, Dhina, Johanna L. Amadeus, Simon
    Group 2 Chara S, Anna P, Michail M, Nikos S Carly Faye Billing, Melanie Fernández Johanna F. Debbie, Victoria, Wilma S. Nelina, Johanna M.
    Group 3 Eleni  C, Vasiliki N,  GeorgiosT, Niki Ch Manal Tiabi, Galina Yakovleva Brian, Viktor, Theo, Julia, Hampus
    Group 4 Cristos T, Elisavet T, Evagelia S, Elsa P Lea Hamon, Cristina Ramos, Olga González Alexander, Motalib, Wilmer, Edmond, Linnea Ha, Wilma E.
    Group 5 Despoina T, Panagiotis P,  Giorgos S Valeska de Olivera, Hardley Mowcoomber, Danny Kalt  Linnea He, Karina, Sabrin, Sarah, Tilda, Kajsa


    Students, you can give a name to your group (propose ideas to your colleagues, and choose one that you like) 

    Rules of communication and work
    English Greek Spanish Swedish
    1. We respect one another   1) Nos respetamos los unos a los otros.  
    2. We write only the truth   2) Escribimos sólo la verdad.  
    3. We dont use capital letters   3) No usamos mayúsculas.  
    4. We don't offend our partners   4) No ofendemos a nuestros compañeros.  
    5. We cooparate, share our ideas and help one another working for the project   5) Colaboramos, compartimos ideas y nos ayudamos en el trabajo del proyecto.  
    6. We treat one another in a friendly and  polite way   6) Nos tratamos de forma amigable y educada.  
    7. We don't talk about intimate maters   7) No hablamos sobre temas íntimos.  
    8. We don't use curse words or offensive language   8) No usamos palabrotas o lenguaje ofensivo.  
    9. We try to write grammatically and lexically correct   9) Intentamos escribir con corrección gramatical y léxica.  
    10.We response to messages as soon as possible. We try to respect deadlines for activities   10) Respondemos a los mensajes lo antes posible. Tratamos de respetar las fechas límites.  


    E-safety . Netiquette.

    Etiquette in technology governs what conduct is socially acceptable in an online or digital situation. While etiquette is ingrained into culture, etiquette in technology is a fairly recent concept. The rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over the Internet or social networks or devices are different from those applying when communicating in person or by audio (such as telephone) or videophone (such as Skype video). It is a social code of network communication.

    Communicating with others via the Internet without misunderstandings in the heat of the moment can be challenging, mainly because facial expressions and body language cannot be interpreted on cyberspace. Therefore, several recommendations to attempt to safeguard against these misunderstandings have been proposed.

    for more you can take a look in  Wikipedia

    this is a short quizz about netiquette


    Greek class  working on the quizz