2. Technology in education

  • What role does technology play in education currently? Where are we heading to?

    Discussion in the forum Group 2

    Chara : 

    Technology in my opinion is so important on education!
    Students understand better their projects and the lesson becomes more comprehensible and accessible for them.

    Melanie : 

    I think that tecnology is good for our education too, it helps a lot


    In Sweden all students in our school get a laptop, a Chromebook, to bring to every class and to use it everyday.

    After three years of upper secondary school they return the laptops or they buy them for a small sum.

    Technology in school is great if used professionally and pedagogically. It saves time and gives enormous possibilities to both students and teachers.

    There is one issue discussed in Sweden right now; if National Tests should be written on computers or not. Right now most of the tests are written on paper.

    Juan : 

    In our school, some years ago, all students were given a small laptop, provided by the regional government. However, that only happened for two years, and they were not for the students to keep. Some of them disappeared, some were broken, and some are still kept in a room in school. They are the ones students use once in a while to communicate. The system is Linux, not windows, and it is a bit difficult to make them work. Otherwise, there are digital boards or screens connected to computers in each classroom, but there is still a lot of work to do, and to improve, regarding teacher training, adapting subjects to new technologies, etc.

    Deborah : 

    We think that internet sometimes can be helpful but it can also make things more confusing if you have to search things all over the internet when you can find answears to the tasks more easier in studybooks.