3. Technology and health

  • Technological advances are making headway in the field of health. Discussion in Group 3 Forum


    Eleni, Niki, Vasia: 

    According to a report in Fox News the following are some of the latest technological trends in the health sector:

    1. Telemedicine

    2. Portable devices

    3. Applications for "smart" mobile phones

    4. Medical files

    5. Safety at home



    Manal : 

    This image represents the evolution from primates to human beings. We can see how people went from hard working and intelligent to technology addicts.

    It's right that technology helps people in developing, but it's also true that it could be harmful.

    Young people today spend most of their daily life using all sorts of technology, without the thought of their health.

    Eleni : 

    Manal we agree with your opinion,the photo is actually representing what you described to us.



    I searched the Internet for a related article on the problems with Technology and I found that, Technology creates many problems to health. These problems are:

    1. Problems with hearing
    2. Weight
    3. Eyes
    4. Sleep Patterns
    5. Psychological Health 


    While we are talking about sleep patterns, have anyone heard of periodic sleeping? It's a sleepscheduele where u sleep 4 hours in the night and then 4 short 20 minutes naps during the day. Students in USA have tried it and apperently improved their work


    we also belive that thecnology isn´t good for your health but at the same time we think that technology used in the hospitals is useful. It´s much easier to figure out the problems with the patient and help them.