1. Devices we use

  • Different kinds of devices and gadgets: smartphones, laptops, tablets... group 1 

    Charis : We asked our schoolmates which devices they use. Here are the results for our class. 

    As you see in the pie most of our pupils use their smartphones (14/19) on a daily basis. Laptops come second in use (3/19) and at last the tablets with 2/19.


    Nerea : 

    Hi ! We usually use the mobile phones (every moment of the day), tablets or I-pad (during half an hour), laptops ( half and one hour to see some TV shows or make some projects for the high school).

    The mobile phones are prohibited in our high school, and the devices that we use the most is... the mobile phone.


    We have prepared some questions about our technology or devices:

    1) What type of devices do you usually use?: I usually use the laptop and my mobile phone.

    2) How long do you spend on your mobile phone everyday?: I spend on my mobile phone four or five hours more or less.

    3) What apps do you use? What are the three apps that you use the most?: I use many apps, but the three apps that I use the most are Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp.

    4) Do your parents agree about having social networks?: Yes, they agree but they don't like them.

    5) Do you use your mobile phone when you're studying? What for?: Yes, I usually use my mobile phone when I'm studying, but I use for see the news on my social networks, so bad!

    6)What do you think future holds of technology? Is it gonna be used more or less than now?: I think that technology gonna be used more than now.

    7) Is it allowed to use your phone in class in your country? Do you bring your phone to school?: In my school bring the telephone is prohibited, so I don't bring my phone at school.

    8)How much money would you pay for a phone?: 330€.

    9)How long have you had a smartphone?: I have had a smartphone since 2013.

    10) Do you use a lot of technology at your school? Do you have digital boards at your school?: We don't use a lot of technology, but in some classes the technology is so important for do many things.

    And in our classes, we have digital boards.

    Alexander and Motalib : 

    We use our smartphones most of the time, a secondary choice is our computers

    Christina :  

    1) I use smartphones,laptops,tablets,computers etc...

    2)almost all day.It depends on the person.

    3) We use instagram,snapchat and whatsapp.These are what we use the most.

    4)They usually agree.

    5) When I study I try not to use it just when I have to find some information.

    6) Its gonna be more or less than now I think.It willl progress.

    7) No,I bring my phone to school but I don´t use it only in break time.

    8) It depends.The top price that I will pay for a phone is 800 euros.

    9) I had my first smartphone when I was eleven.

    10) We don´t use a lot of technology at school. We have only a computer and a digital board..

    Eirini : 

    I see we all use the same type of devices

    Nerea :  

    A month ago I prepared a presentation talking about one social network, Instagram. Maybe in your country is very popular, too. Here, in Spain is one of the most popular social network, almost everyone have an account.

    I've focused in their advantages and desadvantages.

    I hope you like it and you learn from their good use.


    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5WKfrOcqkuzWWY0UFpNREVQTFE/view?usp=sharing <--